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Whoa, dudes and dudettes, here we go! And
they say there's no such thing as an E ticket ride anymore. All cats onboard!
Hold on tight to your id, it's going to be a bumpy psych! Doesn't it feel
exciting to get your neurons tweeked to five universes and back? Watch
your body dissolve and reconstitute into myriad forms as we are blown into
the past. Check your baggage at the portal and don't forget to write! What's
that signpost up ahead? Experience that delicious sinking feeling as we
delve into the awe and mystery that reaches from between universes to the
inner unlimited realms you possess. Just to keep things interesting we
simulate a rush of eons, feed you sensation and memory, and drop you on
the doorstep of antigravity. Next stop, the Secret Center Cortex.