It has been truely said one needs all the friends one can get. When all
is said and done the vast universes might as well be a small town. Hi,
I'm Shi-T'ao Phrawd, extradimensional poet. Allow me to show you around
our wonderous world! We Etidorhpaians are
happy beings. We love our world and want to share it with
all other beings everywhere. Behind me is one of our larger cities, XiaFraZkhia,
with a population of 23 million.
The webplain on the outskirts of XiaFraZkhia is by
far the most popular place for us to metasurf. Here you can see some of
my buddys doing just that. Click here for more info on
how we metasurf. In order for you to better view our home we will be
dropping these ugly word balloons muy pronto!
all images and text �1997 ken tao all rights reserved